Because you are disabled.

File for disability benefits.

Appeal your case.

How you presented your initial application was the best you could do at that time given what you knew and were told.

But, if you were not successful, appeal (1) because you are disabled and (2) because you can improve on your presentation.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome & Other Social Security Rulings

Social Security Rulings Related to Specific Impairments

Effective April 3, 2014, Social Security issued a new ruling on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Social Security Ruling 14-1p.  A previous ruling on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (Social Security Ruling 99-2p) was rescinded.

Social Security Rulings (SSR) can be found at or, by an Internet search for a specific ruling.

Previously, Social Security had issued rulings on evaluating other specific impairments:

SSR 82-57:  loss of speech
SSR 87-6:    epilepsy
SSR 90-5c:  review of case related to blindness
SSR 93-2p:  HIV (human immunodeficiency virus)
SSR 02-1p:  obesity
SSR 02-2p:  interstitial cystitis
SSR 03-1p:  postpolio sequelae
SSR 03-2p:  reflex sympathetic dystrophy/complex regional pain syndrome
SSR 03-3p:  blindness (initial claims for individuals age 65 or older)
SSR 06-1p:  tremolite asbestos-related impairments
SSR 07-1p:  visual field loss
SSR 12-2p:  fibromyalgia
SSR 14-1p:  chronic fatigue syndrome

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